Insurrection and Rebellion in all of the United States!



Hello Readers,

Time and time again the American Nationals have attempted to get the States to offer State citizen status by offering an oath or affirmation to its residents at age 21. This effort has fallen on deaf ears. Because it has fallen on deaf ears, this is the first of the articles that will be addressing this issue.

There are two main bodies of law (policy) that govern the Military and the United States corporation. The Lieber Code and the reconstruction act of 1867 by the United States in the name of The United States of America.

First we can go to the rebellion and what is classified as a rebellion and illegal:

We, the People of the State of South Carolina, in Convention assembled, do declare and ordain, and it is hereby declared and ordained,
That the Ordinance adopted by us in Convention, on the twenty-third day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight, whereby the Constitution of the United States of America was ratified, and also all Acts and parts of Acts of the General Assembly of this State, ratifying amendments of the said Constitution, are hereby repealed; and that the Union now subsisting between South Carolina and other States, under the name of “The United States of America,” is hereby dissolved.

D. F. JAMISON, Del. from Barnwell, and Pres’t Convention.


Here is the proof that it was declared illegal:

First Reconstruction Act (1867)
An Act to provide for the more efficient Government of the Rebel States

WHEREAS no legal State governments or adequate protection for life or property now exists in the rebel States of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Florida, Texas, and Arkansas; and whereas it is necessary that peace and good order should be enforced in said States until loyal and republican State governments can be legally established: Therefore,
Be it enacted . . ., That said rebel States shall be divided into military districts and made subject to the military authority of the United States as hereinafter prescribed, and for that purpose Virginia shall constitute the first district; North Carolina and South Carolina the second district; Georgia, Alabama, and Florida the third district; Mississippi and Arkansas the fourth district; and Louisiana and Texas the fifth district.

If this sentence was left out of the South Carolina Act, it would have been a legal act: and that the Union now subsisting between South Carolina and other States, under the name of “The United States of America,” is hereby dissolved.

Here is the oath and affirmation that is supposed to be taken by everyone when they reach the age of 21:

Second Reconstruction Act (1867)

An Act supplementary to an act entitled “An act to provide for the more efficient government of the rebel states,” passed March second, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, and to facilitate restoration.

Be it enacted, &c., That before the first day of September, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, the commanding general in each district defined by an act entitled “An Act to provide for the more efficient government of the rebel States,” passed March second, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, shall cause a registration to be made of the male citizens of the United States, twenty-one years of age and upwards, resident in each county or parish in the State or States included in his district, which registration shall include only those persons who are qualified to vote for delegates by the act aforesaid, and who shall have taken and subscribed the following oath or affirmation: “I, _____, do solemnly swear, (or affirm,) in the presence of Almighty God, that I am a citizen of the State of _____; that I have resided in said State for _____ months next preceding this day, and now reside in the county of _____, or the parish of _____, in said State, (as the case may be;) that I am twenty-one years old; that I have not been disfranchised for participation in any rebellion or civil war against the United States, nor for felony committed against the laws of any State or of the United States; that I have never been a member of any State legislature, nor held any executive or judicial office in any State and afterwards engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof; that I have never taken an oath as a member of Congress of the United States, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, and afterwards engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the United States or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof; that I will faithfully support the Constitution and obey the laws of the United States, and will, to the best of my ability, encourage others so to do, so help me God;” which oath or affirmation may be administered by any registering officer.

Reconstruction Act of 1867

Some may argue that the oath was for the Southern States only, however, it is required upon every State to provide this same service otherwise who would know who is or is not in rebellion or that southerners were not residing in the North to hide from the United States?

Before the American Nationals took their oath or affirmation, some went out to different parts of the country to ask where they could take their State citizen oath or affirmation. Guess what, not one was found and in fact, they were told that they were residents and U.S. citizens which basically sticks them into a Military district.

This scenario causes many issues including but not limited to: 

1: Violation of the lieber code,

2: Violation of all four reconstruction acts,

3: Displaced persons which causes human trafficking and denial of a Nationality and arbitrary arrest, detention and exile on a permanent basis,

4: Denial of a State to obtain a permanent population thereby giving it illegal standing, permanent rebellion, and an illegal government because of the lack of qualified voters perpetually,

5: Denial of the right to own property because the property is in the State of, and county of, and the displaced person is an alien to that jurisdiction and in a perpetual state of exile.

Birth Right citizenship does not cover State citizenship, therefore it does not resolve the torts and human rights violations, it perpetuates them.

Right after the American Nationals asked those questions, it was arbitrarily deemed that to believe in State citizenship was considered a sovereign citizen domestic terrorist act.

Many people were forced to go all the way back to the original Confederacy of 1781 to be able to claim a Nationality where no one could object because if they did publicly, it would be deemed a rebellion and an illegal act in accordance with the Reconstruction Act of 1867 in the name of The United States of America.


1: Whom in this country hates this country so much to do so much evil towards it from 1781 to today?  

2: Who is really in rebellion of the United States in the name of The United States of America?

Statement: The Reconstruction Act of 1867 has never been repealed and is in full force and effect and the main act that all policies are being formed from and implemented at the present time.

The American Nationals have attempted many times to resolve this issue in many different ways including but not limited to contacting the U.S. Military which has fallen on deaf ears. The American Nationals have attempted to go to the United Nations and the Hague with Human Rights violations which has been ignored many times. There are some very serious enemies within the United States, within The United States of America that really hate this country and everyone in it with a disciplined passion to pull this off. 
