Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia Riezinger Von Reitzenstein Von Lettow-Vorbeck, the fraud and the liar flip flops again!! She now claims to be a Supreme Court Justice which has already been proven to be a lie.
PUBLISHED IN THE Continental Free Press ON 06-04-2021
The liar and fraud fake Judge statements in red lettering, the responses in blue lettering. LINK
We have told this liar and fraud about 20 times that The Reign of the Heavens Society was dissolutioned in 2016 and it was not because of the fake Judge or Justice Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia Riezinger Von Reitzenstein Von Lettow-Vorbeck (hereinafter: “Anna”). The Reign of the Heavens Society was never debunked.
We can tell when we are getting to Anna because she becomes vicious with her attacks and the lies get worse.
A couple of examples of the liars lies:
“Mr. Doherty has seen fit to issue another “hit piece” trying to attack my credibility
and the standing of our State Assemblies, but what has actually happened is that
the snake oil that he and the Reign of the Heavens Society have been selling
came to an abrupt end once the Territorial and Municipal Authorities figured out
that those completely confused Bounders were infringing on our Good Name, The
United States of America —- similar to what the Scottish Interloper successfully
pulled off in the 1860’s, and no doubt aiming at the same end— to foist
themselves off as our lawful Federation of States and gain access to our credit by
1: It was the Territorial and Municipal Authorities that asked us to revamp The United States of America, since we already had the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries, into a country that would work for everyone and we did. It was the white hats that asked us to do this for the country The United States of America. Anna is lying when she says she has a claim to The United States of America. The Government of The United States of America has first in time and first in right international status. Anna had nothing to do with the process and made up everything she can make up to steal the country for her master the communist devil worshipping Pope. Not one Territorial and Municipal Authority has objected to anything that has been done and the Government of The United States of America delivers persons offshore into the States of the Union everyday. It was never shut down although Anna really wishes it was so she can deliver the country to the New World Order.
2: No one wants anyone’s credit. That is like saying that you are trying to steal someone’s debt. The monetary system of The United States of America has no debt nor does it deal in credit which is why the the New World Order has the devil worshiping liar and fraud fake judge attacking the country The United States of America all of the time. They want those federated States to be subservient to the New World Order and to never be independent as a federal republic again. Anna’s job is to get everyone to sign up to the New World Order with a red thumbprint, a blood oath to the devils New World Order.
Anna admits she works for the Pope in her current rant:
“if they wish to know about the work I did for the Pope for seven years and a whole lot more.” in her disclosure book 101. This means Anna helped a foreign country over and above what she claims is her own country and against the best interest of her country that she claims is hers. That is called treason.
Here we go again, the liar and fraud lying again:
“I include with that the equally false twist of their propaganda saying that I am not a judge; technically, they are right. I am a Justice — like a Supreme Court Justice, which is quite a bit higher than a “judge” though the word “judge” is more common and has come to mean any juridical person or office.”
Now Anna claims to be a Supreme Court Justice, Anna forgets this claim was already proven to be a false claim and a complete lie. Anna has cornered herself into multiple counts of consumer fraud.
Another lie by Anna:
“So when you see the name “Christopher Doherty” attached to anything, know that he is not some disinterested journalist. He is one of the erstwhile perpetrators of the Reign of the Heavens Society scheme; a True Believer, and no doubt, one of the elite chosen few who signed up prior to December 21, 2011, and thus purportedly obtained their slot in Heaven by paying a healthy sum and donating
their trust funds to the Reign of the Heavens Society.”
Christopher Doherty claimed a Nationality 3 or 4 years ago. Chris was not around on in 2011. No one paid a hefty sum for their part of Heaven nor would that offer ever be proposed. The Reign of the Heavens Society was not in existence in 2011, and it never was a part of the Catholic Church nor the Roman Catholic Church as if there were a difference, so therefore it would have never tried to pull off such a fraudulent scheme. Those schemes are reserved to the Catholic Church.
Anna wants everyone to run from the Government of The United States of America because we tell the truth and prove the claims against Anna. We expose her lies and fraud to the whole world. Internationally everyone knows the truth because we were the first on the scene internationally. We have contacted other countries, the UPU and many other entities way before Anna tried to steal the country for herself and started this seven year hate and lies campaign against the country on behalf of the New World Order.
Not to worry, Anna will never succeed in her quest for being a hero for the New World Order. Anna will never succeed with her privately owned Assemblies ordered by her rapist husband. The people are on to her lies and deceit and we hear it almost everyday. Large groups on telegram are warned about Anna and to steer away from her everyday. Those warnings are not coming the Government of The United States of America. The warnings are coming from the people. They saw through her lies on their own and end up with the real country. Many others will do the same. You can’t lie your way through life Anna wherein it does come back on you at one time or another. One more thing, Anna, you do not have a reputation or a good name with The United States of America because you have never been naturalized into The United States of America nor do you speak for it.
Published by the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America.