The National assembly cancels the trial on the 21st of January: Government of The United States of America v. John Mark Adams, et al!
PUBLISHED IN THE Continental Free Press ON 01-11-2021
The National assembly for the Government of The United States of America cancels the trial on the 21st of January. LINK
The National assembly for the Government of The United States of America (hereinafter: “National assembly”) has the option to transfer a judicial case to an administrative case to be decided in the National assembly.
The following decisions were made by the National assembly as it pertains to:
Claimant: Government of The United States of America v.
Respondent: John Mark Adams, Valerie Zicaro, Michael Adam Fathauer, Matthew Joseph Emerson, Adam Samuel Ben Canaan, Sean William Gary Beller, Jessene Roe Beecroft, Justin James Yingling, Donald Kanoelani Souza and Jason Smith Perez.
1: Adam Samuel Ben Canaan, the leader of the group has been concerned for his safety and believes that the National assembly has committed attempted murder against him. The National assembly is very concerned for the life and well being of Adam Samuel Ben Canaan; Therefore, due to the hostility towards the people of Israel in the United States, and Adam Samuel Ben Canaan’s belief that his life is in danger and people are trying to murder him, Adam Samuel Ben Canaan is hereby deported back to the State of Israel, the country of his birth.
2: All other Respondents listed within the case have been as it pertains to the delivery of their persons are hereby canceled wherein all records have been expunged from the records of the National assembly and all resident declarations have been canceled nunc pro tunc.
3: A quick survey was done by the National assembly with the following question:
1: Does anyone want to see any of the respondents back into the American National Union of The United States of America or within the States of the Union of The United States of America? Please keep in mind that all of the people asked the aforementioned question all witnessed what happened on the day of the crimes. By unanimous vote of the people that attended the National assembly, not one wanted anyone of those Respondents back.
Most if not all of the Respondents were doing nothing but harassing, threatening, trying to disqualify the court, harass, threaten and intimidate the witnesses, place people on trial and convict them without due process, attempted to claim attempted murder charges against the court and witnesses and then convene their own trial after an immediate conviction of the attempted murder charges.
This is an example of one email from the leader of the group:
None of the Respondents even tried to deny any of the charges against them. All responses were never filed into the court so the National assembly knew that time was being wasted and political games were being played thereby trying to run a smear campaign rather than directly deal with the issue(s) at hand and resolve.
There is no respect from any of the Respondents for the American National Union of The United States of America, the Government of The United States of America, law itself, Public Property, the rights of others. It was all whining was about being placed on trial for what they all were guilty of doing in one way or another. Any form of a correction would have never resulted on any form of repentance.
These aforementioned decisions are final and have already been implemented.
The National assembly wishes them all well and a long and happy life.
Published by the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America.