The office of commander in chief of the United States Military charged with War Crimes!
PUBLISHED IN THE Continental Free Press ON 08-13-2020
The office of commander in chief of the United States Military charged with War Crimes! The Continental Army officers will be convening a War Crimes Tribunal within the next few months. The U.S. Military is not the successors of the original Continental Army.
Example Evidence:
The U.S. Military can administer a unproven vaccine thereby forcing it on civilians, knowing that it is going to make the Human Rights Violators Bill Gates and Fauci richer thereby killing more civilians yet cannot punish treason within 527 organizations and arrest communists knowing that communism is outlawed. At least we know now which side the U.S. Military is on. Wake up folks, you will know a man not by what he says, but by his works. Donald J. Trump is not being tried for war crimes. It is the office of commander in chief of the United States Military that is on trial. The war crimes started a long time ago.
Hereby published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America,