International Public offer from the General Post Office to the United States Postal Service!
Published on 05-16-2015 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST
The General Post Office would like to come forward to clear up some mis-conceptions about this particular General Post Office and make an offer to the United States Postal Service at the same time.
This particular General Post Office is the same General Post Office under Benjamin Franklin succeeded by Richard Bach, then succeeded by Ebeneezer Hazard which did not have a successor until 2010. LINK (Page 9 of 132)
Postmaster General Megan Brennan’s succession started with Samuel Osgood in 1789 under George Washington. This means there are two separate and distinct lines of succession which means one line is completely foreign to the other. The United States Postal Service which succeeded the Postal Department is operating as a private company with no government authority other than what foreign Manhattan Island and the Netherlands provides. It is convenient how Manhattan Island glosses over these fine details to assume authority over The United States of America it does not have meaning the perception of authority without the liability of authority. LINK
Clearing up Confusion
Many people have seen the existence of a General Post Office, LDC registered in Belize in the Godaddy website that operates the websites of the Government of The United States of America . That particular entity was and still is a franchise of the original General Post Office. Many lawyers and others saw this entity and immediately thought that the American Nationals were relying on that entity as a claim to the original General Post Office under the Confederacy of 1781. General Post Office, LDC franchise served its purpose to give the original General Post Office international jurisdiction, the same as Manhattan Island. The reason for that claim was because Manhattan Island would and still does stop any international mail to the Vatican and England.
The original General Post Office under the Confederacy of 1781 was started in 1775, (not to be confused with the confederate states of America during the civil war) is alive and well today serving the National Government of The United States of America. It was claimed after two men claimed the metes and bounds of The United States of America in 2010 which had not happened since before 1789. Manhattan Island originally tried to buy the claim through Black Cards in 2010. When that did not work, they slandered the names of the two men and took everything they had through one of more of Manhattans agencies over the next couple of years. A lot of those issues are cleared up now so we move on to today’s situation.
The Government of The United States of America, because of the General Post Office has global access through its various agreements. It also has jurisdiction and venue in the original 50 States of the Union regardless of popular belief., The office of the Secretary of State for the Government of The United States of America is in touch with 77 countries with various ambassadors and Ministries of Foreign Affairs. This includes various Generals in various Military’s. We can only assume that someone else knows the truth about the real history of The United States of America.
1: The General Post Office will accept the line of succession of a Postmaster General of the U.S. city-state, but not of the whole country nor of The United States of America. The claim of the line of succession back to Benjamin Franklin by Megan Brennan or any other Postmaster General of the U.S. is illegal. The line of succession the United States Postal Service starts with Samuel Osgood and Megan Brennan is one of his successors.
2: The General Post Office has easement on the rural free delivery routes and original jurisdiction within The United States of America. The addresses of today since 1972 were programmed by Manhattan Island and placed in the sorting centers around the country. The U.S. mail does have an independent side to it as a city-state, however, it does not have territory outside of the 10 mile square nor does it have legal access to the original States because of the district overlay surveys. It does have district access as an overlay survey which makes it appear as if it has original jurisdiction.
The General Post Office has not has a chance to grow and prosper over the last 240 years, therefore is seems prudent to form an agreement by and between the two entities to fix the irregularities which will fix the debt problem that the United States Postal Service is experiencing today. Megan Brennan has a nightmare on her hands and the recent unlawful activity with Amazon is not helping her situation. Further, it does not make any sense to fight each other over who has the power and legal authority. It makes more sense to work together so the states can be settled with a permanent population etc… Therefore, a franchise offer to the United States Postal Service is hereby offered by the Government of The United States of America which can be registered here: LINK. The franchise can then place the General Post Office logo on the buildings of the United States Postal Service franchise to show the people that we are headed in the right direction. The Continental Dollar Stamp has already been accepted, so why don’t we move further and free the people from this tyranny perpetrated by the foreign powers that believe themselves as gods over the people. Choice must be established to resolve Human Rights Violations.
1: Register a franchise of the United States Postal Service with the Government of The United States of America. LINK
2: Place the General Post Office logo on the buildings of the United States Postal Service franchise to show unity and international cooperation. LINK (possibly fly the flags side by side later)
3: The General Post Office and the United States Postal Service Franchise can work together in resolving UN-necessary red tape and streamline the budget and delivery issues of the mail.
It is easy enough and the General Post Office can promise one thing, this offer is not a joke nor a trap for admission of any wrong doing. It is time to meet at the grown up table and quit playing the blame game.