A look inside the courts within the United States and the fact that they mark people for murder when their employers are challenged!!
This particular case has been going on for around three years and it is over currency but started out as a gold digger trying to fleece her ex-husband. If anyone reads this affidavit, only 6 pages long, it will show everyone the true allegiance of the courts, how they hide their murders of “so called “problems”, and whom they murder for everyday. Anyone that exposes the courts crimes is a target for murder and we have all of the evidence. A signed and notarized affidavit will be available once the newspaper gets a copy of it.
Comes now, Lanny Kay Talbot –Trustee for LANNY KAY TALBOT, PMA, (hereinafter “Affiant”) being competent to testify and being over the age of 21 years, after first being duly affirmed according to law to tell the truth to the facts related herein states that Affiant has firsthand knowledge of the facts stated herein and believes these facts to be true to the best of Affiant’s knowledge and belief, and
On September 3, 2018, Affiant did give the Clerk of THE SIXTH DISTRICT COURT FOR KANE COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH, Kane County Courthouse, 76 North Main Street, Kanab, Utah, +4,500 CONTINENTAL DOLLARS, of National Currency of the Government of The United States of America, which Affiant earns for his work as Ambassador.
The +4,500 CONTINENTAL DOLLARS given to the said Clerk was valued at $72,000 Federal Reserve Notes, and
2.) On September 10, 2018, IN THE SIXTH DISTRICT COURT FOR KANE COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH, Kane County Courthouse, 76 North Main Street, Kanab, Utah,
Affiant attended an ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE hearing Case No. 08460002, with Judge Brody Keisel presiding. The hearing was about Property Settlement of a Decree of Divorce entered on August 18, 2008, and
When the Affiant reminded the Court about the +4,500 CONTINENTAL DOLLARS that Affiant paid to the Court to give to the Respondent, the Judge Brody Keisel told Affiant that he would call the Continental Dollars “Other Money” then Ordered Affiant to pay Respondent in U.S. currency; thus making the species of money an issue and stated that he could not confirm or deny that the U.S. Treasury was investigating the said Continental Dollars that Affiant paid to the court in an effort to intimidate and threaten the Affiant, and
Affiant told the Judge Brody Keisel that the said investigation was welcomed. The Judge Brody Keisel then postponed the hearing until October 4, 2018, and
3.) On October 04, 2018, 2 pm, IN THE SIXTH DISTRICT COURT FOR KANE COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH, Kane County Courthouse, 76 North Main Street, Kanab, Utah. The Affiant asked the Judge Brody Keisel what became of the investigation on the Continental Dollars Affiant paid the Court; Judge Brody Keisel would not talk about the said investigation, and
Affiant addressed the Court at least six times and the Respondent, if the Court and/or Respondent accepted or rejected the payment of +4,500 CONTINENTAL DOLLARS, Legal Tender which the affiant gave the Court, and
Both the Court and Respondent rejected the payment of Continental Dollars but did not return the Continental Dollars. Judge Brody Keisel proceeded to order Affiant to pay Respondent in U.S. currency/Federal Reserve Notes, thus demanding a particular currency on behalf of the Respondent that created a prejudice against the Continental Dollar, and
The Continental Dollars were not returned to Affiant wherein a lie was created by the Judge Brody Keisel when a separate demand was made in another currency thereby a double payment was demanded, and
Judge Brody Keisel, further ordered Affiant, to assign Affiant’s Life Insurance over to Respondent, thereby making Respondent the owner of Affiant’s Life Insurance Policy, even though Affiant had paid Respondent the +4,500 Continental Dollars, valued at $72,000 Federal Reserve Notes, and
4: On September 12, 2017, Affiant’s Son’s mother bought Son a House and property for his inheritance. Son placed Affiant on the Deed with him, because Son didn’t have any credit to get the utilities hooked up, but Affiant already had all of the utilities from a house Affiant was renting and would transfer to Son’s said House, and
5.) Son and Affiant and Son’s intent was to transfer said house and property into a Trust, with Son’s children as beneficiaries, so on September 4, 2018, a local Title Company was used to prepare the deed into the Trust, they made a deed to the Affiant’s old Trust and recorded it, and
When Affiant and Son realized the mistake, on September 5, 2018, the Son and Affiant had the Title Company prepare the right deed, placing the house and property into The Gentius Irrevocable Inter-vivos Trust, dated January 10, 2016, with Son and Affiant as Trustees and Son’s children as beneficiaries. The three said deeds were recorded with the Government of The United States of America’s Recorder and with Garfield County, State of Utah, and
6.) Affiant filed a Notice of Appeal for the prejudice against the Continental Dollars on October 16, 2018 and the case proceeded through the Utah Court of Appeals. The Court of Appeals affirmed the District Court’s contempt order and never acknowledged the compliance to the demand for payment and the violation of the lowers courts violation of Public Policy as it pertains to U.S. currency. NO U.S. citizen has any legal right to demand any particular kind of currency as payment, and
Affiant filed a Petition for Writ of Certiorari with the Utah Supreme Court. The Writ was denied on May 30, 2019 with the same imperfections, and
7.) Affiant and Son placed two Federal Common Law Liens and Writ of Attachment on Real and Personal Property on the said first two deeds and The Gentius Trust on July 3, 2019. Affiant placed a Federal Common Law Lien and Writ of Attachment on Real and Personal Property on Affiant’s Person, August 16, 2019, all are attached in an effort to diminish any want, and
8.) Affiant, Son and The Gentius Trust property was not part of the case, but became part of the case after Judge Brody Keisel signed a new Writ of Execution even though Judge Brody Keisel said at a earlier hearing that the property transferred to the aforesaid trust was not a part of any judgment or court order and told the Respondent that the issue would have to be a part of a completely different law suit. Both Respondent and Judge Brody Keisel, working together had a precedent of changing the facts and rules as the case progressed as if Judge Brody Keisel had something to gain by continuing to change the subject matter of the case every time the payment of Continental Dollars came up, and
9.) On July 8th & 9th, 2019, Affiant and Son were served with Writ of Execution from THE SIXTH DISTRICT COURT FOR KANE COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH, Kane County Courthouse, 76 North Main Street, Kanab, Utah, ordering Garfield County Sheriff to take Affiant’s Son’s house and sell it to pay Respondent. Affiant’s Son was not a part of any case anywhere, and
10.) On July 17, 2019, Affiant was served with Bench Warrant from THE SIXTH DISTRICT COURT FOR KANE COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH, Kane County Courthouse, 76 North Main Street, Kanab, Utah, ordering Garfield County Sheriff to take Affiant to jail for a day and made Affiant pay 1,000 cash only Bail in federal reserve notes, and
Garfield County Sheriff made an arbitrary arrest of other person that has a position of Ambassador in other international person which became relevant after both Judge Brody Keisel and Respondent refused payment in full in Continental Dollars, and
Judge Brody Keisel ordered Affiant to pay 5,000 to the Court Clerk and separated the Public Bond money and gave the 6,000 to Respondent’s Attorney, and
Judge Brody Keisel arrested Affiant on an invalidated warrant, when now it is clear Affiant is not under the state within a State. Affiant has his person in a device and Judge Brody Keisel consumed intangible property from Affiant’s Government or virtually to include arresting the Affiant when status is Ambassador and completes the cycles of trespass after payment was refused and discharged in full in accordance with Public Policy, and
Judge Brody Keisel commenced a robbery across international borders in the form of a trespass for theft 6000 and accumulated and mixed funds and bonds to pass money as if in a conspiracy to a Bar Member (Respondent’s Attorney) whom acted in the case, and
On July 18, 2019, Affiant, Son and Son’s Mother, sent a reply and a request for a Hearing on the Writ of Execution, along with Affidavit of Son’s mother Sally Anne Kaley, to the SIXTH DISTRICT COURT FOR KANE COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH, Kane County Courthouse, 76 North Main Street, Kanab, Utah, and
On August 7, 2019, Affiant and Son were served with Notice of Sheriff’s Sale of the said House and property from THE SIXTH DISTRICT COURT FOR KANE COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH, Kane County Courthouse, 76 North Main Street, Kanab, Utah, said Sale by the Garfield County Sheriff would take place August 27, 2019, and