Anna Maria Riezinger and husband are thieves, liars, and international fugitives that work for a foreign Monarch as private council, and both have a valid international warrant published against both persons- Part 2!
International Protest, Claim, and Counter-Claim
Sent to Pope Francis: 27 August 2019: 23:06….
International Protest, Claim, and Counter-Claim Under Public International Notice for Pope Francis, President Donald Trump, the Lord Mayor of London, the Government of Westminster, Queen Elizabeth II and all other Interested Principals and Parties: The protest cannot exist because Anna Maria Riezinger (hereinafter “fugitive”) is facing international human rights violations and treason charges.
This is your International Notice of Constructive Fraud ongoing on the sea and in the air: Your is not defined
We are the People of The United States of America.
The fugitive is not the People of The United States of America. The fugitive is the Private Council of Pope Francis with a blood oath to a foreign monarch and therefore cannot represent The United States of America in anyway. Any form of representation is considered a violation of Chapter 12 of the Law of Nations.
We know who we are and when our Federation of States was formed: September 9, 1776, almost five (5) years before any commercial organization of confederated states of states was formed March 1, 1776; we know our jurisdiction and the nature of our States as the Donors of all Delegated Powers ever received by the Municipal United States Government and also any such Powers exercised in our names by the Territorial United States of America. The fugitive did not know the real and sovereign jurisdiction of this country until the fugitive heard it from the Government of The United States of America. The fugitive was still claiming to be one of the People of the United States a year or two ago, now that the fugitive figured out the fugitive was wrong about everything and has been attacking this country for the past 5 to 6 years, all of a sudden the fugitive is one of the People of The United States of America wherein the proper terminology is the people of The United States of America.
Tonight we have been informed of yet another Interloper deliberately infringing upon our Unregistered Trademarks and Copyrights in violation of International Law for the purpose of commercial entrapment and fraud. The fugitive is giving notice to the whole world that the fugitive is the interloper which is the fugitives mode of operation to get out of the human rights violations that the fugitive faces at this time. The fugitive commits the crime and attempts to pass those crimes onto someone else.
The guilty Parties have launched a “Private Membership Association” called the Reign of Heaven Society, based on plagiarizing the work and infringing upon the copyrights of Frank O’Collins; The fugitive is lying on the international record again. This issue has been addressed in a publishing 08-27-2019. The Reign of the Heavens Society was not launched by anyone in this time period. It was launched by Yohannon the immerser also known as John the Baptist and Yahushua also known as Jesus Christ.
they have similarly attempted to infringe upon our recorded copyrights and trademarks and sought to promote a deliberate confusion via a Similar Names Deceit between their additional Private Member Association calling itself The United States of America 1781 and our unincorporated Federation of Independent States doing business as The United States of America since September of 1776. The fugitive is lying again on the international record because there is no such international entity known as “The United States of America 1781” unincorporated nor incorporated. The term was a social misnomer created because the inhabitants did not know the difference between one The United States of America and the United States of America so the misnomer was added as 1781 at the end of The United States of America. The 1781 was also added to the end of the website because The United States of America was already taken as a domain, however the domain claim by a third party was not a claim to the country known as The United States of America. The 1781 added to The United States of America does not have any official standing and therefore a misnomer created for translation and communication purposes. The fugitive is simply repeating the claims of the true residents and American Nationals that have already naturalized into the States of the Union through The United States of America. Further, there is no such entity known as The United States of America (unincorporated) a misnomer created by the fugitive. So does this mean that the fugitive has classified the fugitives act a interloper?
Though I have no reason to suppose that Pope Francis is unaware of basic International Law, including the fact that possession by pirates does not change ownership of assets, I must remind him of his responsibility as the Keeper of Corporations under Ecclesiastical Law, and bring this matter to his attention and that of the Roman Curia for correction and must also demand the dissolution of this would-be imposter organization which has no actual or historical relationship with our States or our Federation of States doing business as The United States of America. The fugitive is simply attempting to sick her Sovereign, thereby treating the Vatican as the fugitives own attack dog upon a sovereign foreign country because the fugitive has tried this same tactic before by going to SPLC when the International Arrest Warrant was originally published.
We also wish to make it clear that The United States of America represents the independent and complete and physically-defined States belonging to the People of this country, and neither we nor our member States are any kind of “state of state” at all. The fugitive has mistaken a claim of a state within a State and started calling the phrase “state of state” which simply shows the world that the fugitive is in way over the fugitives head as it pertains to International Affairs, international law and the Law of Nations.
As States and as a Lawful Federation of States, we cannot be defined as any enemy of any state of state organization and may not be mischaracterized as a state of state organization ourselves; we occupy a complete and separate jurisdiction as natural people and as Lawful Persons owed every respect and protection under international law. The fugitive does not occupy anything other than an office called a Private Council of Pope Francis in accordance with the fugitives own words and deeds. Further, just like the bogus judge claim a few years back, now the fugitive is pretending to be a fiduciary of The United States of America, the same country that was claimed back in 2010 and has been operating under elections since 2013.
We are permanently and properly domiciled on the land and soil of our States and have no cause nor reason to reside in any inchoate state of state at all.
The naturalization process to remove their persons from an offshore trust through a district into the States of the Union has been provided by the Government of The United States of America and has been available for a while and all of the entities that this so-called international protest is being addressed to have no authority over a sovereign countries naturalization process. The fugitive has been publishing bogus patriot garbage since the fugitive made the fugitives presence on the internet that has no standing whatsoever.
our native land and soil, abandoned our birthright for proxy benefits or otherwise knowingly allowed any such legal presumptions must be set aside and disallowed; we accept all gifts, waive all unearned benefits, and act as Prudent Men. The fugitive whole hardheartedly admits abandoning the birthright and when the naturalization was presented to the fugitive as a correction to the problem, the fugitive was angered when the fugitive could not control everything thereby cutting out the voice of the people of The United States of America altogether. Since the fugitive could not control the country, the fugitive began a slander campaign against the office holders appointed and elected in office that has gone on for years. The fugitive has also, through the fugitives lies, demonizing and slander of one office holder in particular, has committed the most heinous of crimes under international law, the deliberate with holding of the truth to deny others a Nationality.
We do not inhabit nor reside in any inchoate incorporated state of state at all, and as we are the Beings in Possession of the States, we are not stateless, either. The fugitive is classified as an inhabitant under the Law of Nations, basically a foreigner to The United States of America however is still a subject of the laws of The United States of America (Section 213 of the Law of Nations). However, the fugitive is also classified as a foreign agent of the Vatican working for a foreign Monarch and attempting to disrupt the operation of a foreign country wherein a new charge could be added under the laws of spying.
We claim our inheritance as the living sons and daughters of our Creator, formed by an Act of the True God at the moment of fertilization and as true heirs of every bit of DNA and matter belonging to us by His Gift, including claim upon every beneficial interest in the estate thus created, including any estate left behind by our dead amnion being misrepresented as a “person” and as an “infant decedent” and then used as a device to promote fraud and identity theft against our living estate and Given Name. Apparently the fugitive took the advice of the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America and is turning to God, our father in heaven, however the idea was not of the fugitives own and therefore appears fake and disingenuous. We can all let Jesus Christ decide.
We are not amused by any of these attempts to mischaracterize us or entrap innocent people under false premises and unconscionable contracting processes — not the Dead Baby Scam, not the Justinian Deception, and not another deceitful attempt to misrepresent our Federation nor our States nor our People via the employment of deceitfully similar names adopted by “membership organizations” or commercial corporations or any other kind of inchoate Legal Entities at all. This is nothing but slander by the fugitive in an attempt to hide the international crimes of the fugitive.
Our Social Contract within our States has been established since 1776, and any and all obligations shared with the British Government and with the Holy See have been set upon the international record since 1783; there has been no valid alteration in any provision since 1861: “This Act shall not effect any right thus previously established”. The fugitive is obviously speaking about some other unknown Social Contract that the fugitive is not a party because these statements do not meet the facts, however it is curious that the fugitive is now claiming a social contract when a year ago the fugitive did not know anything about a social compact. However we will watch the fugitive claim the real social compact once the Government of The United States of America announces it and the fact that it has been hiding in plain site for over 200 years. The fugitive is nothing more than a claim jumper and is now being exposed.
Must we remind His Holiness of the obligation of the Holy See to strictly limit its governmental services activities to the ten miles square of the District of Columbia? Since this Government of The United States of America and The United States of America are not incorporated and not within the District of Columbia there is no need for Pope Francis to act on anything which is the same conclusion when the International Arrest Warrant was first published wherein the brave and revolutionary fugitive with nerves of steal ran to SPLC and told on the Government of The United States of America.
And the further obligation of the Holy See and its servants to drop any and all frivolous claims to the effect that our people are “citizens” of any fictional legal entity? The fugitive has no standing to demand anything.
We wish this to be done, and to be done now, in this moment and forever. The fugitive has no standing to demand anything.
We are the Children of the True God, not Children of Men; we command the Angels and command the Devils, too. The fugitive has to repent to have this standing and the fugitive has not repented.
Remove these atrocities from our presence.The fugitive has no standing to demand anything.
Liquidate the phony 500 municipal districts which have been overlaid upon our land and soil. Remove the Municipal and so-called Administrative COURTS that have been established in violation of Our Sacred Covenants. The fugitive has no standing to demand anything.
Remove the false claims to own our souls or any other right, title, trademark, copyright, patent or property interest rightly belonging to us. The fugitive has no standing to demand anything.
Release all bonds and set our people free. The fugitive has no standing to demand anything.
Cease all false claims that any of us are commonwealth property, paupers, warrant officers, municipal volunteers, employees, dependents, assets, or mere matter subject to the whim of any man, archon, seraph, ghost, demon, spirit, or goblin. The fugitive has no standing to demand anything, the fugitive must repent.
On your immortal soul, Francis, these outrages must cease. The fugitive has no standing to demand anything, the fugitive must repent. This is typical thing that the fugitive does, the fugitive pleas for help from a foreign power then witnesses against those foreign powers in the same breath thereby faking allegiance to the people of The United States of America in an effort to gather an army around the fugitive for protection.
We demand the prompt liquidation of this THING calling itself by a name deceptively similar to our own — and we note that there never was and is not now any valid entity called “The United States of America 1781” associated with this country or with this nation. This has been addressed above, however it does show that this so-called International Protest is nothing more then an excuse to not repent.
We also demand the cessation of any attempt to contract with this inchoate entity as if it represented our Federation of States or held any authority related to us, our Powers, our States or our Nation. “The United States of America 1781” is a foreign entity of dubious origin seeking to substitute itself for our lawful Government in violation of international law, treaty, and commercial contracts which the Holy See owes to us alone.This has been addressed above, however it does show that this so-called International Protest is nothing more then an excuse to not repent. The Holy See owes nothing because the law simply states, “Forgive Us Our Debts as We Forgive Our Debtors”. This issue has been resolved with the remedy of existing in parallel. The only one having issues is the fugitive because the fugitive refuses to obey international law and desires to control everything.
Living people are not sheep to be herded from pen to pen, fraud to fraud, delusion to delusion—- and Lawful Persons are owed their due recognition, respect, and protection. The fugitive has been publishing various schemes thereby herding the inhabitants from fraud to fraud and delusion to delusion for the last five years at least if not longer. The United States of America and the Government of The United States of America has remained steadfast. The fugitive has also lead 5 inhabitants into a 38 year sentence wherein the others were sentenced for lesser time and the fugitive has not said anything other than distancing the fugitive from the whole situation.
The True Heirs of the Kingdom have returned; let no man or spirit presume otherwise and let there be no more testing deployed against non-domestic targets. The fugitive has to repent first and there is no evidence of this act of repentance happening.
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary This Fiduciary claim is a fraud and notwithstanding.
The United States of America
c/o Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
Non-domestic: Private copyright:
4711 Birchwood Road,
Big Lake, Alaska
Thank you for providing an actual address, the Human Rights Tribunal was in need of this address if in fact it is a real address.
Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America.