The National assembly for the Government of The United States of America internationally invalidates the Russian Collusion claim!




The National assembly for the Government of The United States of America internationally invalidates the Russian Collusion claim! LINK

In accordance with the the following video, LINK  and many other sources all around the internet, no court has verified the existence of any type of Russian Collusion in any elections within the United States. The claim of Russian Collusion is arbitrary at best. Anyone who questions the claim is threatened LINK

It is very obvious to anyone that spends a little time looking into this issue that when a threat is issued, it appears that the World Totalitarian Dictatorship resides within this apparent separate and independent Community called the “Intelligence Community”.  It has its own rules, operates in the dark and is connected to the Israel Mossad and MI6 which the British C.I.A.

The real collusion in the 2016 company elections was massive voter fraud. This affidavit spells out how the fraud occurred and how it always occurs within the U.S. states within the States of the Union: LINK

The affidavit has been available for at least two years and the Intelligence Community has ignored it and keeps going with the Russian Collusion claim.  The voter fraud has been going on since the beginning of the company. 

Therefore, with this affidavit and hearing many other claims of voter fraud being covered up,  a motion was carried by the National assembly to internationally invalidate the United States voting process. It is extremely obvious that the United States is a company LINK and when it attempts to claim it is a government of the people, it just makes everyone associated look sad and pathetic when the facade is obvious to everyone outside of this country. 

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America. 
