Executive Order on the use of the style “THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA” on any documents of the Government of The United States of America!




Executive Order on the use of the style “THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA” on any documents of the Government of The United States of America!

Many people in America believe that anything in all caps has something to do with corporations and slavery. As a matter of fact, words in the english language in all caps is defined as a title to a book or paper OR EMPHASIS ON THE LETTERS OF A WORD; LINK!

A lot of people have never built a country before and there is a certain language that can be used for surveys, divisions, branches etc… of National Governments and does not necessarily mean that the wording is a fiction or a fake. In fact, the use of the all capital letter survey style does respect the lot and claim of another when it comes to dividing countries by lot. The technique can also be used as a security feature in documents when it comes to protecting persons.

Link to the official ExecutiVe Order as it pertains to the use of the style: “THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA” on seals, documents and writings within the Government of The United States of America. LINK!

The Government of The United States of America has had about three delays at Airports as it pertains to the passport, however who has not had delays as it pertains to TSA no matter what credentials are being used? The Executive Order clarifies the use of certain terms and styles that will clear up some issues that has come to the Government of The United States of America attention in the past couple of months.


One Reply to “Executive Order on the use of the style “THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA” on any documents of the Government of The United States of America!”

  1. Michael Turner White, PMA

    There is a very large cabal of the United Nations who have given up their statehood to become an international, foreign agent, citizens under the jurisdiction of the United Nations. As a direct result of this tyranny there is a shared dislike of anyone having any type of identification, pass ports, creditentials that pertain to another government that is different than the Union states of the Government of The United States of America. This cabal of people distaste any recognition of the Government of The United States of America 1781 with a deep bitter seat of ill-will that is typical of treason and terrorism as a means to distort the peoples’ will and humble desire to be a natural human being vesting and vetting international human rights. To this cabal the desire to be American National is repulsive, repugnant, disguisting (in their mind’s eye); not because the human being has done something wrong, rather, claiming your nationality is a strong signal announcing their doom and the end of the quarantine this earth has been under for the past 400 years. This quarantine will be dissolved and removed as witness by Nibiru also known as Planet X.

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