Open letter to Donald Trump!
Published on 09-27-2016 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST
Dear Mr. Trump,
The Government of The United States of America hears you!
There was one particular point you made in last nights debate that spoke volumes as to why this Government was re-built.
“You said that 20 trillion dollars has been spent and there is nothing to show for it.” “The airports look like airports in third world countries.”
When a King in a Monarch form of rule squanders his fortune, he is no longer a King.
The look on Hillary Clinton’s face when you said that they had nothing to show for the money that was spent was priceless because reality hit her right square in the face. You said she has no money to deliver her promises which is absolutely true.
The infrastructure in the States is in shambles, the roads are horrible with potholes and sinking. The inner cities look like Syria and business opportunities are next to non-existent without having to bribe everyone on the local level.
American Nationals are business people from all walks of life. They saw the near future and decided to do something about it.
The Government of The United States of America has the Continental Dollar in lawful money and legal tender. It is pegged to the Silver Certificate.
The Continental Dollar is interest free and debt free money connected and backed by incun.1454.b5 to take care of the serious issues you spoke of last night.
The people in this country are just beginning to see and understand their predicaments and realize the gravity of their situation. They are beginning to resist their oppressors which breaths new life into the rule of freedom.
The gravity of the situation was realized by this Government way before this Government was reformed into a republic.
The Government of The United States of America had to record the 1789 constitution for the purpose of preserving it because of the foolishness of the people of not acting quicker to keep their nation in tact.
You, Mr. Trump are the first man that this Government can see as someone that would work with people regardless of political views.
You, Mr. Trump as president for citizens of the United States, does realize that regardless of religious, political, or other causes, that business and trade is the first and foremost on the agenda of the people regardless of any other claims made by them.
Through the right of self determination, the American Nationals have established a foundation to rebuild the countries infrastructure.
The Government of The United States of America is ready to partner with the U.S. to work together and combine the attributes of both to rebuild this country for the benefit of the next generation.
The Government of The United States of America agrees with your immigration policies, and have no issues with any of your political views.
You are a business man Mr. Trump, you also make hard business decisions which is necessary regardless of consequences which is needed to rebuild this country and make it great again.
The light of freedom has been preserved by this Government, but it needs men like you for the rest of the world to realize that those representatives in Washington D.C. do not represent this countries views or values that made it great. Those representatives need leadership to lead them back to reality.
This Government will be contacting the 50 Governors with similar subject matter.
Please keep in mind this Government is not about power and take over, it is about the next generation that is in desperate need of leadership and guidance so they do not fail in their quest for the light of freedom.
Feel free to contact this Government anytime or when the time is right.
Kind Regards,
office of the Governor for the Government of The United States of America,
John Harold Fulks