The Government of The United States of America introduces the “Law of Choice” to the World!
Published on 08-05-2016 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST
The Government of The United States of America hereby introduces the Law of Choice to the International Community and the World!
The Government of The United States of America gives notice that the Law of Choice does not exist in any codification, law, statute, declaration, or any other document in any country in and of the world.
For the past six years and since the reforming of the Government of The United States of America, its subject matter is and has always been about choice.
The whole point is that everyone literally has a choice.
In all other countries, choice is a matter of perspective meaning choice is handed out from the top down.
Hillary Clinton will win the election, not because she was voted in office, not because the office has not existed for the past one hundred years, but because she carries the message of her task masters and will carry out all commands in delivering that message.
Example: Over half of the Democratic company voted for Bernie Sanders, and when Hillary Clinton won the nomination, the people that voted for Bernie Sanders were locked out of the convention.
Why? It was not because there was emails or the fact that people read emails and blah, blah. It was because Hillary Clinton carries the message and the message is this:
The people that voted for Bernie Sanders thought they had a choice. What this means is that those people that thought they had a choice and exercised that choice were punished for making a “choice”.
The reason why Trump is constantly attacked is because Trump, in his own heart believes in choice and believes he has the right to make a choice. Choice and permission are two different concepts of law. If Trump thinks he does not need permission, he is not carrying the message of those that control Hillary Clinton.
Alex Jones believes he has choice and resists any notion of permission. Therefore the main stream media will punish Alex Jones over and over whether through slander, name calling or any other type of punishment that is permissive for the main stream media to impose.
All statutes today are written and carried out in a way that punishes the act of choice. This means that if a choice is made, that act of choosing is punished.
It does not matter that you drove 75 in a 55 mile an hour zone, it is the fact that you thought you had the choice to drive 75 miles per hour in a 55 mile an hour zone that created the crime against the state.
It is not the fact that people have guns that is a crime, it is the fact that people believe they have a choice to own a gun. The fact that a choice was made is punished, not owning a firearm without a license.
It is not the fact that someone murdered another that is the crime because murder was legalized in Roe v. Wade, it is the fact that the individual thought they had a choice to take another life. The act of choosing is punished, not the murder.
If anyone does any research on the issue they will find all of these examples over and over in the way statutes are written. The statutes made criminals out of people that think they have choice instead of obeying commands.
This thinking about commands and choice comes from the lack of respect from those powerful countries that do not perceive a threat from weaker countries. What this means is that if a country does not have nuclear weapons, than that country has basically no vote on anything in the world. The world has not changed since it’s inception meaning that if someone can kill another, or have the capability of killing another, they receive respect. If a country can destroy another, it has a say and a vote and it also dictates which country has a choice and which does not. The more powerful country becomes and acts like a god because it exercises its own choice and gives weaker countries permission. This thinking comes from the powers that be and has trickled down to the inner cities.
The powers that be are called the powers that be because they have nuclear weapons and can destroy the world with those weapons. This means they can kill without recourse and therefore gave themselves the full right of choice while placing everyone else under their permission. It is no different in the inner city where those with the guns make the rules. It is the same thing on a larger scale. The U.S. is the U.S. because it can take away choice without recourse. If the U.S. did not have that capability, no one would listen to it in other countries. The funny thing is just because an entity can destroy a country, does it have the right to tell other countries what to do? Does it have the right to deny choice?
A country and its Government has never made a law that everyone within it has choice which is the reason for Governments rising and falling. It will always stamp out the existence of its own people by abolishing choice or delegating permission.
Therefore, the Government of The United States of America is going to declare the acceptance and acknowledgement of the Law of Choice. It is time that history is made. Once the Law of Choice is understood, the mind is free because it realizes that those attempting to quash choice are fighting their own existence and the existence of the universe itself.
In the past, those that made a choice to claim a Nationality were in fact punished for making a choice. It was not the fact as to what they claimed or why, it is simply because they thought they could make a choice. Once it is clear that they are going to make a choice beyond permission, whether accepted or not, is when they have freed themselves from those that gave themselves permission to attempt to reverse existence.
No one has to wait any longer, people are being locked up and punished for making a choice. It has been going on for a while. However, it is also sad to watch the U.S. destroy herself in the process. She had her ups and downs, but she has destroyed her own existence by owning slaves and delegating choice through permissions. She is powerful, but not more powerful than the Law of Choice.