The obligations of the charter of the United Nations suspended by the Government of The United States of America!
Published on 12-09-2015 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST
The recently elected Governor for the Government of The United States of America wasted no time in suspending the declaration accepting the obligations of the charter of the United Nations.
The National assembly was consulted on this issue of an Executive Order signed by the Governor. There were no objections. In this particular Government, all Executive Orders have to be approved by the National assembly with full agreement to abide by the Executive Order.
There are a few defining paragraphs in the Order that should bring to light some of the obvious flaws in the society of the United Nations. The flaws are not just accusations, they have been experienced and recorded into the hearts and minds of the American Nationals.
This suspension is not intended to rally other countries into doing the same as the Government of The United States of America stands alone. However, independent nations and states should never be eradicated for the political aspirations of a few people.
The accusations written within the Executive Order, if not true, and negative propaganda against the United Nations, will result in an International Apology to the United Nations itself.
If the accusations are true, and the American Nationals believe the accusations are true as written within the Executive Order, then there will be no apology, however, the discrimination as written within the Executive Order is absolutely true and leaves no room for any doubt.
The Executive Order is available here for download:
Suspension of declaration to the charter of the United Nations