Published on 07-09-2015 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST
Open Letter to all Governors of the State of the Union;
First and foremost, the Government of The United States of America is not asking the States to come back under the original Articles of Confederation of 1781. The United States of America of 1781 is now an independent country with established States and a city-state within its metes and bounds. The name of the country is The United States of America that was settled in the year 1781.
Now Therefore,
The assembly for the Government of The United States of America wishes to offer all States funding in Continental Dollars for the reconstruction of the States manufacturing and infrastructure.
The assembly for the Government of The United States of America hereby authorizes the office of the Governor for The United States of America the privilege of offering this settlement plan to all States for the peaceful settlement of disputes derived from the civil war conflict.
The Government of The United States of America recognizes the Honor, Strength, and Integrity of the Great State of South Carolina for its courageous action with settling a 150 year old conflict that started the Civil War by and between the North and the Southern States.
Therefore, in support of South Carolinas bold initiative and to promote healing and restoration across this great land; the assembly for the Government of The United States of America hereby this Settlement Plan.
The foundation of a country is the strength of its manufacturing industry and its ability to produce goods for trade thereby eliminating a trade deficit. Therefore, the Government of The United States of America proposes as referenced in the attached Walmart floorplan(s) that the States view the different sections of the store as manufacturing sectors that must be brought back to the States as a requirement for funding.
Plan A:
Plan B:
• Organic Produce
• Textiles
• Durable goods
• Jobs
• Local Farming
• Local Merchants
Business Development
• The States must also provide priority and equal access to all manufactured products within their states to small retailers and businesses.
• All products produced must be made affordable to those that manufacture them. The states must re-establish inter-state commerce for manufactured goods and services between them.
• Small business development and small business owners must be given priority funding opportunities within their communities.
• Re-establish equal opportunity employment for all residents or citizens.
• Restoration of the most impoverished communities will be given first priority in job, business and manufacturing creation.
• Utilize Law Enforcement as Peacekeepers and Human Rights Defenders to maintain a stable trading environment and a secure marketplace.
The Government of The United States of America recognizes the need for stable economies in the States, and in doing so will provide Debt Free, Tax Free, interest free, Continental Dollars provided by our original revolutionaries that freed this Great country. This can be the States solution for ending this 150 year old conflict and resolving their current budget and trade deficit problems, thus ending the war.
The first bold social step to end this war is to stop cannibalizing the residents or citizens for their Creativity, Labor, and Property. Restoring private property rights is the foundation for all Governments to legally exist. It remains to be seen if the rest of the States have the courage to do so as South Carolina has so courageously demonstrated.
The States can count on the Government of The United States of America for continued support in this peaceful settlement of this long civil war that we can all see coming to a full end.
The office of the Governor for The United States of America,