Published on 08-28-2014 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST

Published on 08-29-2014 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST

Published on 08-30-2014 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST

Publishers #:  476956026747

Editors Notes:

Notice: The spelling of the name: Mary Ann Melvin is hereby corrected to read: Mary Anne Melvin. The correction is made on 08-29-2014. This particular Public Notice has been expanded to the International Public Notice category on 08-29-2014.

 The scandal of the week for our readers:

For the last couple of months the emails at have been either missing or is delayed a couple of days to reach its destination. The email provider was called a couple of weeks ago and they said that the emails were working fine when a couple of tests were made on the routing of the email.  So all of the office holders were notified that there were not any problems at the email provider level.

However, one of the private email users at was not receiving any email for weeks, so it was presumed that it was that users internet provider or the users connection.

The following evidence will prove beyond a shadow of doubt that emails were being re-routed to an UN-intended recipient.

The email “” was created by someone that had server access. The account was not hacked on the front end because the password is way too long.

Take a look:

email hacking and monitoring copy

For those that do not understand what they are looking at in the picture above, it means that all emails sent and received at a email address are being re-routed to The emails are supposed to be routed to wherein the email is distributed to the proper address. So it started making sense as to why the emails were not working and were being delayed  for a couple of days before reaching its destination.

Who owns The answer to that question was easy because it belongs to an ex-wife of an American National. Her name is Mary Anne Melvin and her picture is below:


Further, there is evidence in the form of testimony and witnesses that Mary Anne Melvin made a deal with the IRS to bear false witness against the American Nationals to prepare a false record of the character of the American Nationals. One of the accusations were that American Nationals are White Supremacists and any kind of funds are being blocked so the purported White Supremacists won’t be funded. The accusation of White Supremacy is totally false.  When an agency has to lie to make a case, it is a political case, not a judicial case. Further, if you are in a battle with an opponent, and the opponent has to cheat, then you have already won the battle.

This action taken by the Republicans and Democrats against the Confederation Party is a clear violation of the peace by and between them.  This is no different then the Water Gate Scandal in the early 70’s.

Now therefore, how does this affect the reader. There was property in Montana that was being used to pay International Attorneys to walk the paperwork of the Government of The United States of America into the United Nations to receive a country code for The United States of America.  Mary Anne Melvin did everything she could to stop the title to the property from being cleared of all encumbrances. Mary Anne Melvin has an interest in trying to claim against the property so her brother can remain a squatter and eventually steal the property for themselves.  We know this because the money paid on the property taxes were traced back to Mary Anne Melvin. Basically, in the divorce, Mary Anne Melvin used the IRS to take her ex-husband to the cleaners of almost everything he had, we are talking about 2 million or more.  

If the Government of The United States of America would have received a country code, then the Treasury could be opened and everyone in America. Every American would have been able to claim their inheritance. This means that America would have been free from the clutches  of the International Bankers because The United States of America would of had support from the rest of the world being fully recognized at the United Nations. 

Further, the people would have had full title currency in the form of digital currency and coin and never suffer debt again.

Since there were so many delays, the partners and the Government of The United States of America lost credibility among other currencies because the license fees could not be paid.

There were even plans for the currency to be one of the main currencies in Africa to stop poverty and starvation. The coubitt system has that ability. The coubitt system also has the ability to make medical care affordable and has been tested in Haiti with great success.

Instead, the  Central Bank had to be dissolved, the American Nationals are under siege and attack everyday. The American people remain stateless in the District of Columbia in violation of Article 15 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. There is a false record being formulated against the American Nationals to cause dis-credit and slander in violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

There were other plans that were made and the future of America would have been a lot different then what it is facing now. You can thank Mary Anne Melvin and others like her that are a part of this conspiracy for just thinking of themselves and no one else.

The Government of The United States of America was paying out of its own pocket and made no claims of damage against the Crown nor the Vatican for past torts to attempt to claim the resources needed for this project.  The American Nationals believe that there are no free lunches and were willing to pay their own way. That payment would of help millions if not billions of people.

The project costs were used up with all of the delays caused by Mary Anne Melvin and agents, so the property had to be forfeited to pay those debts. There were only good intentions in this project and it was illegally hindered without regard to Human Beings and their welfare.

The treachery displayed may be forgiven by the American Nationals, however, this plan could not have been accomplished without the Most High in heaven, so therefore these people involved in this treachery will have to face that truth one day. 

If anyone has  sent emails in the form of RESIDENT DECLARATIONS OR CONTACT FORMS, the Government of The United States of America probably  never received them. So those emails were not being ignored, they were never received. Anyone that did not receive a response from the Government of The United States of America are welcome to come back and resend their request.

The American Nationals will continue to do what is right regardless of others that have never done the right thing in their lives nor have the discipline to self-govern and restrain themselves from doing evil against their neighbors.

All records to prove the intentions of the aforementioned project are in the evidence files of the Government of The United States of America.


Publishers Affidavit: